Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I see now that astronomers have named 2005 FY9, temporarily known as the Easterbunny, since it was discovered shortly after Easter in 2005, after 3 years without an official name. They have named it Makemake. No, that is not a makefile in Unix that creates makefiles. That is mock kay mock kay. It is the Rapanui deity god of creation, and Rapa Nui is Easter Island, so the name still relates to Easter. Cool. The name is also good because it is a reminder of what we could all become if we keep producing human beings and consuming resources. Makemake is a large Kuiper Belt object discovered at about the same time as Eris, the larges of the objects. I still don't like the name "plutoid" to describe Makemake, Eris, and Pluto. Why not call Antares and Regulus sunoids?

They still have not named 2003 EL61 yet. It has the temporary name of Santa, as it was discovered near Christmas day. In an earlier post I note that they are going to name it after a Hawaiian creation god. To me this gives it the name of Kane (pronounced con-neigh, not like the Citizen), as Kane was the Hawaiian creation god. Its two satellites then are Pele and Hiiaka. They should hurry up and name it. It has been 5 years now. In an earlier post, I named the object Kane, and I will still call it Kane.

1 comment:

ogre said...

"Plutoids" is, I agree, lame.

For now, I'm classing them, along with Ceres, Pallas and Vesta as "rejectoids"--a class of objects formerly known as (or entitled to have been classed as--at the time) planets.